
Welcome to my blog!

Things you should know about me:

-I write YA novels. It’s a new thing (well, a little over two years old).

-I’m in the querying trenches. Know what that is? If you don’t, Google it and weep. I know I do.

-I adore Indian food. If I could drink hot mugs of Tikka Masala sauce, I would. Don’t get me started on Mango Lassis. Or Ragora Patties. Or Saag Paneer–oh that Saag.

-I’ve lived in: Indianapolis, Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, Lyon, Paris, Newark (DE), Bloomington (IN), Greensville (OH), Sheboygan (WI) and Chicago. My favorite place? Anywhere my husband is.

-My greatest irrational fear: that one day I’ll have to go back to high school in Spain. I love you Spain, but high school sucked. I’m in my 30s and still have nightmares.

-My greatest rational fear: sharks. They’re real. They have teeth.

-Also, jellyfish. Ew.

-My other greatest rational fear: bikinis. Have you seen how small they are? Do you know how easily they fall off, twist or otherwise conspire to reveal bits of you you’d rather remained hidden?

-I work in a fantastic office with fantastic co-workers and the best boss. We drink lots of coffee and eat lots of tacos.

-I live in Chicago in a little house with a little yard and a little porch, inches from our neighbors. I LOVE IT.

-At home live: my husband, our kiddos Alice, Ben and Isaac, tottering piles of books, and an 18” cast iron skillet that cannot be lifted. Come over and try. You’ll see.

I love hearing back from readers, so feel free to leave your thoughts in the “comments” section, or email me at jennaseverythingblog@gmail.com. Every comment is read and appreciated!

Have fun perusing!

View Comments (74)

  • hah! aka Susan here (don't tell anyone) - glad to see your blog! Looking forward to your recipes and your photos. Oh - and I love the heading photo! Very cool.

    Signing in with my blog so perhaps you'll come visit over at the greenwood as well. Love to you!

  • Jenna,
    You are the one with a great blog and wonderful photos!! I have a very special place in my heart for MK. My best friend is a missionary currently serving in the Philippines! LOVE classical guitar music. Love your chicken stir fry!

  • Hi Jenna! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I just wanted to say that yours is super cute! I love how you include printable recipes... I may just have to work on that for my blog if you don't mind me stealing your idea.

    • No problem! My 'printable recipes' are just a link that opens a Word document . . . a 'shabbier' solution since I can't figure out how to do it the fancier way like I've seen other bloggers do. =) If you figure out a better way, let me know!

  • i love how your blog existed in your mind at first. exactly how i started mine! my boyfriend kept telling me to do it for an outlet, since i'm stuck at home all day. i figured who cares if no one reads it, it gives me something to do.

    your pictures are so pretty. i need to just bite the bullet and get a dSRL. i considered the nikon 5000, but how do you feel about it's flip out screen? i fear i might not like that feature so much.

    • I love the flip-out screen--it can stay put just like with any other camera, but you can turn it face-in to protect it, or twist it about so that you can see what you're taking a picture of when you're say, holding the camera above your head to capture a parade or something.

  • Okay, you two are just too bloody cute!! :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I can't wait to read more of yours...it sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

  • Thanks for coming by and visiting my blog. Your blog sounds like an intriguing place, and I'll definitely be back! :D

  • Hi,
    Followed you over from Tickled Red. Had to check out fellow bourbon fans! I do hope you're talking sour mash (like Jack D.).

    I like your site. Really enjoyed the Family Vacay 2010. I could die happy in that house. In your "about" I realized my oldest son was born in the 80's! (1985).

  • Wow! I've found your blog by chance and it's amazing how life changes. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were playing cards (el guiñote) in San Braulio, and now... I'm Yasmina, from Spain. Do you remember me? I hope so. I am glad to know a little bit about you and your sisters now.
    I'll keep an eye on your blog!

    • Oh my gosh, Yasmina! Por supuesto que me acuerdo de ti! It's so strange and great how the internet can bring people back together. And your English is (of course) fantastic . . . I have such great memories of San Braulio. I was always jealous of your long blond braid--your hair was so thick and gorgeous =). Are you still in Zaragoza?

      • Talking with you was a gift for me. About my hair... well now it's short, very very short and spiky. What a change! ;D
        You're just the same! I remember you playing the guitar... I've always been terrible with instruments... I'm only allowed to listen, never playing it!