Yearly Archives: 2015

Heaven on a Plate Arugula Salad

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My sister Erica just moved to Chicago in early June–the day before Ben was born, to be exact! Since I’m on maternity leave and my days are free and clear, we’ve been hanging out all the time. I zip up to her place–a mere 12 minute drive–and we spend the day corralling our kiddos, talking, and if we feel brave, going out for lunch or heading to a park.

If we don’t feel brave, we stay inside, where the kids all tend to pile on each other.

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Hanging out with Erica is fun, magical, and encouraging. Sometimes we do little projects (like writing this blog post, which I’m doing from Erica’s couch while the kiddos nap). Sometimes we drink iced coffee. Sometimes we do squats.

And eating. Did I mention we do a lot of eating?

We love eating.

In particular, this salad. Erica made it for me one of the first times we all came over. The moment I took the first bite was a revelation. I loved it so much that I immediately put it on the menu at our house for the following week. And the following week. And the week after that (not kidding here). And the ingredients for it are now a staple–they must be in stock constantly. Because it just makes me happy.

Crisp greens with a sprinkling of lemon juice and olive oil. Greasy, perfectly fried tiny potato chunks. Two runny eggs–silky whites and yolks like a thick version of melted butter–all on a plate together. Just 5 ingredients coming together in a salad that makes my heart sing.

Alternate title for this salad: Fried but not guilty.

Because any guilt derived from the divinely fried tiny, greasy potatoes, simply disappears in the context of the bed of salad greens. It’s called psychology.

Make this for lunch. Or for dinner. Or for all the meals.

I highly recommend that you chop up extra potatoes while you’re at it, and save them (raw) in a container in the fridge.

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That way, when you’re in the mood for this salad the next day (which you will be), you can just dump the pre-diced potatoes into a hot, oily pan, and it comes together that much faster.


(Serves 1)

2 eggs
1 TBS Butter
Plate full of arugula (or other salad greens)
Olive oil
Sprinkling of lemon juice (fresh or bottled)
2 medium red potatoes

1. Cut up the red potatoes in a small dice. About this size.

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2. Heat olive oil in a large, nonstick pan. When hot, add the diced potatoes in a single layer and fry on medium heat, salting as you go, until browned and crisp. Stir occasionally. This takes about 12-15 minutes.

3. Toss the arugula with a sprinkling of olive oil, lemon juice and salt, to taste. If you’re feeling virtuous, it’s great without the oil too.

4. In a small, non stick pan, melt the butter. When bubbly, crack in the eggs and turn the heat to medium-low. The whites should immediately create an opaque bottom layer. Using a spatula, gently move the runny whites that are floating on top, making little holes in the bottom layer so that the runny parts come into contact with the hot surface of the pan and cook quickly. After about a minute, salt the eggs and gently turn them over. Give them another minute in the pan, and they’re done!

5. Top the arugula with a layer of potatoes, and gently slide the two eggs on top of it all. Consume with great joy. Fresh OJ on the side doesn’t hurt either.

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I hope you all enjoy this salad as much as I do! It’s a dream.

Click here for printer-friendly version: Heaven on a Plate Arugula Salad

Hey Mama teas (for preggos!)

So I get emails every other day from people wanting me to review products or talk about their websites on my blog. I ignore many of them (not trying to be rude–I just ain’t got the time right now), but an email from Hey Mama teas caught my eye. I’m spending a lot of my time nursing this little guy right now . . .

photo (1) . . . and these pregnant-and-nursing-mama-friendly iced teas were just calling my name.

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There’s nothing like a fun beverage to get you through the every-other-hour feedings that go with this stage of infancy.

So I agreed to give them a try and write up my honest opinion about them.

First, I tried the peach flavor.

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Instead of being sane about it and sampling a little of each of the four flavors, I accidentally finished the entire bottle of peach.

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It was delicious! It has a delicate, iced tea flavor–not too sugary/juicy, but definitely flavorful. Think ethereal as opposed to sugar rush. Really delicious. And it says “supports healthy lactation” on the front (which is, incidentally, what I was doing as I consumed it) (lactating, that is =).

Other reasons to feel good about this product? It’s organic, caffeine free, and has a very short and simple ingredient list.

And it tastes like it would mix well with, um, vodka. Though that would make it a little less preggo-friendly, heh heh.

Better try those others.

So: the mint I liked, the lemon was ok, and the raspberry I didn’t like (not too surprising since I didn’t ever like raspberry leaf tea anyway). But that peach flavor . . . yum.

You can buy these teas on their website at $19.99 for a 4-pack (with free shipping).

My conclusion: too pricey for me at the time, but if it’s in your price range and you’re looking for a pregnancy-geared fun beverage, go for the peach.

Hope you’re all having a restful Sunday–and I hope to post some recipes soon!

No promises–can’t make those with a newborn around–

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–but there’s a salad and a spaghetti sauce that are dee-vine and I can’t wait to share.