Bathtime with Mama Twink

When it came to her baby bath times, until recently Alice was skeptical at best, tearful at worst. But during our visit to my parents’ house over Memorial Day weekend, Alice had her first enjoyable bath. My mom was convinced that she needed some time in the warm water to help relax her after a tough evening. I was dubious, but my mom exerted her grandmotherly rights and began the process anyway.

And how wrong I was! Alice absolutely loved the experience.

I loved the experience of watching grandma and grandchild enjoy each other.

Looking at these pictures makes me want to rush in and interrupt the nap Alice is currently taking just to squeeze that roly-poly baby bod! The fuzzy head . . . the puffity baby cheeks . . . the little curled toes . . .


Thanks Mama Twink!


View Comments (13)

  • Preciosas fotos!
    Que bonito baño...se vé que Alice disfruta...y ya sabes: madre no hay mas que una, pero ¡"abuelas" hay dos! y saben un montón a la hora de cuidar de los nietos!!!! A tu madre le sienta muy bien eso de ser G-ma!

  • Such great pictures! You will find that as she grows, sometimes Grandma can get through to those little girls where with Mom there is conflict and power struggles. There are times when I am struggling to get through to my daughter and it just isn't working or where I can tell she isn't hearing what I am saying. A call to Grandma with a hint as to what the problem is and they make a day together and work it out and my daughter comes back with new understanding and refreshed. Its special and I'm glad she (and my Mom) have that and I am relieved as we are rapidly approaching teenager "stuff" to know that if she was not comfortable talking with me about something that she will almost always confide in Grandma. Looks like Alice and Grandma have a special little bond too - how lovely!

    • April, thanks for the great insight. I look forward to seeing how her relationships with both her grandmas develop and deepen.

  • I love how she intently watches the stream of water and wants to reach out and grab it! So have you had some better bath times since then? Sometimes Grandmas know best I guess! I should hire her to give Jessie a bath--I bet her magics translate to dog baths too. Jessie has NEVER EVER liked baths!

  • How precious! That is so funny that she finally enjoyed bath time. She certainly looks happy :) I finally get to meet my grandson and my son's wife in 2 weeks, I'm so excited!

  • Jenna, you should add to this post one of the pictures of you at a similar age reaching up and looking at the pouring water during one of your bath times--you should have one in your album!

    I have reviewed this posts multiple times.... just never tire of seeing the people I love!