Daily Archives: July 26, 2015

Hey Mama teas (for preggos!)

So I get emails every other day from people wanting me to review products or talk about their websites on my blog. I ignore many of them (not trying to be rude–I just ain’t got the time right now), but an email from Hey Mama teas caught my eye. I’m spending a lot of my time nursing this little guy right now . . .

photo (1) . . . and these pregnant-and-nursing-mama-friendly iced teas were just calling my name.

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There’s nothing like a fun beverage to get you through the every-other-hour feedings that go with this stage of infancy.

So I agreed to give them a try and write up my honest opinion about them.

First, I tried the peach flavor.

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Instead of being sane about it and sampling a little of each of the four flavors, I accidentally finished the entire bottle of peach.

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It was delicious! It has a delicate, iced tea flavor–not too sugary/juicy, but definitely flavorful. Think ethereal as opposed to sugar rush. Really delicious. And it says “supports healthy lactation” on the front (which is, incidentally, what I was doing as I consumed it) (lactating, that is =).

Other reasons to feel good about this product? It’s organic, caffeine free, and has a very short and simple ingredient list.

And it tastes like it would mix well with, um, vodka. Though that would make it a little less preggo-friendly, heh heh.

Better try those others.

So: the mint I liked, the lemon was ok, and the raspberry I didn’t like (not too surprising since I didn’t ever like raspberry leaf tea anyway). But that peach flavor . . . yum.

You can buy these teas on their website at $19.99 for a 4-pack (with free shipping).

My conclusion: too pricey for me at the time, but if it’s in your price range and you’re looking for a pregnancy-geared fun beverage, go for the peach.

Hope you’re all having a restful Sunday–and I hope to post some recipes soon!

No promises–can’t make those with a newborn around–

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–but there’s a salad and a spaghetti sauce that are dee-vine and I can’t wait to share.